Who am I?
Creative, Fun, Loving, Caring and Compassionate
​As a middle aged, queer mum of four children, I love life and people in all their wonderful unique ways.
Whilst I am professional and have a serious side, I am very much a child at heart. I think that as we age, we sometimes forget to pick out the fun side of life.
Who doesn't get the urge to jump in puddles, kick water and play in the rain? Or nip onto the slide in a deserted play ground?
If you also love to embrace your love of life, why don't we join together and explore how I can help you bring those fun and exciting times into your wedding ceremony?

Trained by UKSOC- The Unitied Kingdom Society of Celebrants
Member of the AOIC (Association Of Independent Celebrants ) With whom I am fully insured and have continuing CP|D (Continuing professional development .
Member of the Celebrant Collective - With whom I have continuing CPD and peer support.
Additional Festival Celebrant training with the Queen of handfasting and Festival celebrancy.

The Best version of your dream day!
Are you a fun loving couple who wants a dream ceremony, bespoke to you and as perfect as you deserve?
If so, you are in the right place!
I have a deep-seated love of life and understand that life can be difficult, but also full of love, hope, joy and desire.
I am passionate in my wishes to help you create the best version of your dream day.

Inclusive & Bespoke
Sincere & Unique
This is your day!